Optical methods in cell physiology

Video-Enhanced Microscopy Computer- Aided Light Microscopy Image Intensification of Stained, Functioning and Growing Neurons Analysis of Molecular Distribution in Single Cells Using a Digital Imaging Microscope Attempts to Synthesize a Red-Fluorescing Dye for Intracellular Injection OPTICAL PROBES OF MEMBRANE POTENTIAL: Optical Monitoring of Membrane Potential Methods of Multisite Optical Measurement Optical Studies of the Mechanism of Membrane Potential Sensitivity of Merocyanine 540 Simultaneous Monitoring of Activity of Many Neurons from Invertebrate Ganglia Using a Multielement Detecting System An Acousto-Optically Steered Laser Scanning System for Measurement of Action Potential Spread in Intact Heart INTRACELLULAR INDICATORS: Polychromator for Recording Optical Absorbance Changes from Single Cells Intracellular pH of Limulus Ventral Photoreceptor Cells: Measurement with Phenol Red PHOTOBLEACHING AND PHOTOACTIVATION: Design and Application of Photolabile Intracellular Probes Index.