Pesquisas tem identificado semelhancas entre a heteroparentalidade e a homoparentalidade, tanto no que diz respeito as praticas parentais, como no que se relaciona com o desenvolvimento psicossocial das criancas e jovens. Contudo, comparativamente com o volume de investigacao com maes lesbicas, os estudos com familias homoparentais masculinas sao ainda minoritarios. O objetivo deste trabalho foi, assim, o de efetuar uma revisao critica da literatura sobre homoparentalidade no masculino. Em primeiro lugar, refletimos acerca dos preconceitos particulares contra a parentalidade gay. Em segundo lugar, revimos os principais estudos com familias homoparentais masculinas, publicados entre 1979 e 2011. Os resultados das referidas pesquisas foram organizados em torno de cinco tematicas: atitudes face a parentalidade, identidade sexual, relacao com o contexto, competencia parental e qualidade/dinâmica das relacoes familiares, e desenvolvimento psicossocial das criancas e jovens. Por ultimo, destacamos algumas limitacoes e implicacoes para o futuro da investigacao revista.

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[2]  S. Maria,et al.  O papel da comunidade na prevenção dos Abusos Sexuais de Crianças (ASC) , 2012 .

[3]  C. Patterson,et al.  Predictors of parenting stress among gay adoptive fathers in the United States. , 2011, Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association.

[4]  G. Wells Making Room for Daddies: Male Couples Creating Families through Adoption , 2011 .

[5]  E. Shapiro,et al.  Adoptive Gay Fathers: Transformations of the Masculine Homosexual Self , 2011 .

[6]  C. Patterson,et al.  To Be a Parent: Issues in Family Formation among Gay and Lesbian Adults , 2010 .

[7]  C. Patterson,et al.  Parenting and Child Development in Adoptive Families: Does Parental Sexual Orientation Matter? , 2010 .

[8]  R. Green,et al.  Gay Men Who Become Fathers via Surrogacy: The Transition to Parenthood , 2010 .

[9]  D. Riggs The Health and Well-being Implications of Emotion Work Undertaken by Gay Sperm Donors , 2009 .

[10]  Valory Mitchell,et al.  Gay Men Becoming Fathers: A Model of Identity Expansion , 2008 .

[11]  Mark Gianino Adaptation and Transformation: The Transition to Adoptive Parenthood for Gay Male Couples , 2008 .

[12]  C. Patterson,et al.  Individual Differences in Gender Development: Associations with Parental Sexual Orientation, Attitudes, and Division of Labor , 2008 .

[13]  W. Marsiglio,et al.  Gay Men: Negotiating Procreative, Father, and Family Identities , 2007 .

[14]  C. Patterson,et al.  Research on Gay and Lesbian Parenting , 2007 .

[15]  D. Berkowitz A Sociohistorical Analysis of Gay Men's Procreative Consciousness , 2007 .

[16]  Elizabeth Zambrano Parentalidades "impensáveis": pais/mães homossexuais, travestis e transexuais , 2006 .

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[19]  J. Stacey Gay Parenthood and the Decline of Paternity as We Knew It , 2006 .

[20]  S. Hicks Maternal Men–Perverts and Deviants? Making Sense of Gay Men as Foster Carers and Adopters , 2006 .

[21]  J. Bigner,et al.  An Exploratory Investigation of Gay Stepfathers' Perceptions of Their Role , 2005 .

[22]  L. Silverstein,et al.  Gay Fathers Expanding the Possibilities for Us All , 2005 .

[23]  L. Silverstein,et al.  From the Margins to the Center , 2005 .

[24]  C. Patterson,et al.  Psychosocial adjustment, school outcomes, and romantic relationships of adolescents with same-sex parents. , 2004, Child development.

[25]  S. Golombok,et al.  Children raised in fatherless families from infancy: a follow‐up of children of lesbian and single heterosexual mothers at early adolescence , 2004 .

[26]  H. Bos,et al.  Experience of parenthood, couple relationship, social support, and child-rearing goals in planned lesbian mother families. , 2004, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

[27]  M. Sánchez,et al.  Ajuste psicológico e integración social en hijos e hijas de familias homoparentales , 2004 .

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[29]  I. Ponjaert-Kristoffersen,et al.  Why do children want to know more about the donor? The experience of youngsters raised in lesbian families , 2003, Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology.

[30]  I. Ponjaert-Kristoffersen,et al.  What does it mean for youngsters to grow up in a lesbian family created by means of donor insemination? , 2002, Journal of reproductive and infant psychology.

[31]  L. Silverstein,et al.  Contemporary fathers reconstructing masculinity: Clinical implications of gender role strain , 2002 .

[32]  J. Armesto Developmental and contextual factors that influence gay fathers' parental competence: A review of the literature. , 2002 .

[33]  Gillian A. Dunne The Lady Vanishes? Reflections on the Experiences of Married and Divorced Non- Heterosexual Fathers , 2001 .

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