The audit staff planning problem, a specific type of manpower planning problem, has been modeled using goal programming and, more recently, multiple objective linear programming. Prior studies developed single-period models and did not go beyond the model building stage. This study develops a multiperiod audit staff planning model and evaluates the model using a test application involving actual decision makers (partners in public accounting firms).
The multiperiod model includes seven objectives to be optimized: profit (to be maximized), late completion of work, work declined, staff augmentation, staff reduction, underutilization of the work force, and shortfall in meeting professional development targets (all to be minimized). Over a four-quarter planning horizon with one “busy season,” the model is subject to constraints with respect to the projected audit work load, ability to substitute personnel and to perform interim audit work, available staff hours (including overtime limitations), supervisory requirements, and professional development targets.
Results of the test application showed that the model was capable of producing a range of values for each objective. The participants were exposed to much of that range when making their decisions. The results also showed that all objectives were important and that participants were consistent in choosing their preferred level of each objective over several runs of the model. These results and the reactions of the participants demonstrate that the model is usable by actual decision makers and has potential for a number of specific applications.
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A review of mathematical models in human resource planning
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An Interactive Multiple Objective Linear Programming Method for a Class of Underlying Nonlinear Utility Functions
Priscilla Welling.
A goal programming model for human resource accounting in a CPA firm
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Linear programming with multiple objective functions: Step method (stem)
Math. Program..
Ralph E. Steuer,et al.
A multi-period, multiple criteria optimization system for manpower planning☆
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A comparison of interactive multiple-objective decision making procedures
Comput. Oper. Res..