Slider or glove? Proposing an alternative quality rating methodology

Continuous subjective multimedia quality assessment is generally performed by using a slider. The context of use of such a slider is limited because it needs to be positioned on a horizontal surface to enable a one-handed manipulation. Furthermore, test persons are tempted to check the slider, e.g. to verify that the desired position is reached, leading to some distraction. A hidden slider would circumvent this issue but precision of obtained rating results may be deteriorated. A digital glove containing a minimum of one sensor per finger represents a more flexible alternative to the slider. Since glove usage seems to be more intuitive, observers are less likely to be distracted by the rating methodology. In the easiest case, an open hand means a high rating, a closed hand (e.g. a fist) means a low rating. This seems natural and is not drawing more attention from the test person than necessary.