Solubility and diffusivity of gases in aqueous solutions of amines

Solubilltles of N20, C2H4, and C2H2 and dlffuslvlty of N20 In various aqueous solutions of amines (MEA, DEA, TEA, MIPA, DIPA, and EDA) were measured at 25 OC and I atm of pressure. For these present systems, solubllity and dlffuslvlty data could not be correlated by suitable correlations. The best ways to estimate solubility and dlffusivily of C02 in aqueous solutions of amines may be log (a/a,)co, = log (~/Q,)N,o and (D/D,)co, = ( D/Dw)N,O, respectively, using the Corresponding data for N20.