Experimenting text input methods in mobile application / Anuar Mohd Yusof
Via the use of mobile phones, the Short Message Service (SMS) is the one of the most
important mobile applications for communication between two or more people.
Moreover, the effectiveness on typing messages needed to be improved in the area of the
typing performance. When the typing performance is low, people might get frustrated.
There are several text input methods in mobile phones. The study is conducted based on
three text input methods such as T9 method. Multi-press with next button and Multipress
with timeout method. However, there are problems caused by these three methods
towards mobile phone application. There are numerous errors when typing messages
using text input methods. Moreover, some text input methods are just too expensive and
these methods take so much space in mobile phones' memory. Therefore, a lot of
investigations or research must be done to determine which text input method that is
able to gain more interest among stakeholders. Moreover, the new prototype
recommended will be able to overcome the problems caused by existing text input
methods. The purpose of the study for this research is to experiment the typical text
input methods which are commonly used in mobile phones and also to determine the
problems of typing messages which occur in many mobile applications. From this
research, it is hoped that the new prototype which has been proposed can overcome the
problems of typing messages. The methodologies used in this research are distributing
questiormaires to one hundred and fifty one (151) students of the Faculty of Information
Technology and Quantative, UiTM Shah Alam, as mobile application users. Moreover,
this research has conducted an experiment involving six (6) of students as the test
subjects. Based on the methodologies, the comparative results of the three text input
methods are validated systematically. But more researches should be conducted in order
to gain better information and find solutions to improve the functions of text input
methods. Last but not least, it is also hoped that the users will enjoy better mobile
application that they use in their daily lives.