An Improved Statistical Method for Calculating Lightning Overvoltages in HVDC Overhead Line/Cable Systems

HVDC cable systems connected to HVDC overhead lines are subject to fast front overvoltages emanating from the line when lightning strikes a shield wire (backflashover) or a pole conductor (shielding failure). Representative fast front overvoltage levels for HVDC cable systems are usually established without considering their statistical characteristics. A statistical method to determine overvoltages related to the acceptable mean time between failure (MTBF) for the cable system was developed previously. The method accounts for the statistical distribution of lightning current magnitudes as well as the attenuation of the overvoltage wave due to corona discharges on the line, since this effect dominates for system voltages up to about ±320 kV. To make the method suitable for higher system voltages as well, this article introduces an improved statistical method which also accounts for surge attenuation through resistive effects, soil ionization, and statistical treatment of overvoltages due to shielding failures. To illustrate the improved method, it is applied to a case study for a ±525 kV DC line.