(4) Suppose r1 is convergent. Let given p. Suppose 0 < p. Then there exists n such that for all natural numbers m, l such that n ≤ m and n ≤ l holds |r1(m)−r1(l)| < p. (5) If for every n holds r1(n) ≤ p, then for all natural numbers n, l holds ( ∑κ α=0(r1)(α))κ∈N(n+ l)− ( ∑κ α=0(r1)(α))κ∈N(n) ≤ p · l. (6) If for every n holds r1(n) ≤ p, then for every n holds ( ∑κ α=0(r1)(α))κ∈N(n) ≤ p · (n+ 1). (7) If for every n such that n ≤ m holds r2(n) ≤ p·r3(n), then ( ∑κ α=0(r2)(α))κ∈N(m) ≤ p · ( ∑κ α=0(r3)(α))κ∈N(m). (8) Suppose that for every n such that n ≤ m holds r2(n) ≤ p · r3(n). Let given n. Suppose n ≤ m. Let l be a natural number. If n+ l ≤ m, then ( ∑κ α=0(r2)(α))κ∈N(n+ l)− ( ∑κ α=0(r2)(α))κ∈N(n) ≤ p · (( ∑κ α=0(r3)(α))κ∈N(n+ l)− ( ∑κ α=0(r3)(α))κ∈N(n)).
A. Winnicka,et al.
Complex Sequences
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Monotone Real Sequences. Subsequences
G. Bancerek.
The Fundamental Properties of Natural Numbers
Jaross Law Kotowicz.
Real Sequences and Basic Operations on Them
Adam Naumowicz,et al.
Conjugate Sequences , Bounded Complex Sequences and Convergent Complex Sequences
W. Kellaway,et al.
Complex Numbers
AMS/MAA Textbooks.