The Angara-5 facility was designed 20 years ago. The main program of researches is the inertial confinement fusion. The facility contains 8 individual modules and can produced up to 5 MA current on the load. The current time rise is 80-90 ns. The algorithm facility operation includes two different stages: ‚" the long time (several hours) technological preparation of different facility parts; ‚" the short time (10 -6 -10 -9 sec) of the power generation process on load. The structure of Control and Data Acquisition System (CDAS) corresponds to the technological properties of this facility. During the facility exploitation the hard- and software of CDAS was upgraded several times that was caused by both aging of the equipment and software development. The main changes were originated from the replacement of the computer type (DEC to IBM PC) and the analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) devices of fast signals (10-100 ns) that also required the upgrading of the software. The main CDAS architecture did not changed. Now CDAS structure includes the following: ‚" subsystem of technological preparation to shot; ‚" waveform subsystem 1 (ADC, a sampling time of 10-50 ns); ‚" waveform subsystem 2 (Tektronix oscilloscopes, a sampling time of 1 ns); ‚" synchronization subsystem; ‚" supervisor system. The subsystems are controlled with PC a nd connected via ETHERNET line by the DECNET protocol. The upgrade was carried out without stopping of the CDAS operation. The hard- and software (DOS, C ++ language based programs) of the old subsystems was not changed. The new subsystem software is based on the LabVIEW. In this paper the present CDAS status is given.