개량형 기계식 퇴비단을 이용한 축산폐수 정화처리 및 재활용 기술
The purpose of this study is the field application developing Advanced Mechanical Composting process as technology that treat efficiently and recycle livestock wastewater, and produce compost of good quality at the same time that handle livestock wastewater environmentally safely. The pilot scale of Advanced Mechanical Composting and MBR are installed to find the field applicability and optimal operation factor. Results are as following. A. When influent amount of Advanced Mechanical Composting is 15㎥/day, producing leachate average 8㎥/day, leachate rate was about 60%. B. BOD?/COD Mn ratio of leachate from compost is 0.27. Adding methanol for nitrogen removal, most optimal C/N ratio is 4~5. C. Nitrogen removal efficiency was stable in 0.03kg T-N/kg MLSSㆍd F N /M ratio, and COD removal efficiency was 80~85% at the range of F/M ratio in 0.125~0.177 ㎏ COD Mn /㎏ MLSSㆍd. This is considered that F N /M ratio is more suitable than F/M ratio in case drive MBR operating that apply in this research.