Integrating UIML, Task and Dialogs with Layout Patterns for Multi-Device User Interface Design

HCI Patterns represent design knowledge that can be reapplied in different situations where the same t ype of tasks has to be represented. This can be done easily if t he devices that support these tasks do not differ i n input and output capabilities. A pattern described with the traditio nal Alexandrian notation does not contain sufficien t information “as is” to be flexible enough to support multi-device u ser interface design and automatically adapt accord ing to the context of use. On the other hand, a degree of plas ticity for a pattern can be defined that determines the varying contexts where the pattern can be applied. We show how a certain type of interaction patterns, layout patterns , can be combined with a model-based interface developmen t process to support multi-device user interface de sign. The suitability of a certain layout pattern can be auto matically determined by combining information conta i ed in the various models and the description of the pattern.