Advanced separation techniques for nuclear fuel reprocessing and radioactive waste treatment

Part 1 Fundamentals of radioactive materials separations processes: chemistry, engineering and safeguards: Chemistry of radioactive materials in the nuclear fuel cycle Physical and chemical properties of actinides in nuclear fuel reprocessing Chemical engineering for advanced aqueous radioactive material separations Spectroscopic on-line monitoring for process control and safeguarding of radiochemical streams in nuclear fuel reprocessing Safeguards technology for radioactive materials processing and nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities. Part 2 Separation and extraction processes for nuclear fuel reprocessing and radioactive waste treatment: Standard and advanced separation: PUREX processes for nuclear fuel reprocessing Alternative separation and extraction: UREX+ processes for actinide and targeted fission product recovery Advanced reprocessing for fission product separation and extraction Combined processes for high level radioactive waste separations: UNEX and other extraction processes. Part 3 Emerging and innovative techniques in nuclear fuel reprocessing and radioactive waste treatment: Nuclear engineering for pyrochemical treatment of spent nuclear fuels Development of highly selective compounds and processes for solvent extraction of long-lived radionuclides from spent nuclear fuels Developments in the partitioning and transmutation of radioactive waste Solid-phase extraction technology for actinide and lanthanide separations in nuclear fuel reprocessing Supercritical fluid and ionic liquid extraction techniques for nuclear fuel reprocessing and radioactive waste treatment Development of biological treatment processes for the separation and recovery of radioactive wastes.