A Dedicated L3Vision CCD for Adaptive Optics Applications

ESO and JRA2 OPTICON have funded the development of a compact packaged Peltier cooled 24 µm square 240×240 pixel split frame transfer 8-output back illuminated L3Vision CCD, L3CCD, by e2v technologies. The device will achieve sub-electron (goal 0.1e - ) read noise at frame rates from 25 Hz to 1.5 kHz and low dark current of 0.01 e - /pixel/frame. The development has many unique features. To obtain high frame rates, multi-output EMCCD gain registers and metal buttressing of parallel clocks will be used. To minimize risk, the baseline device will be built in standard silicon. In addition, a split wafer run will enable two speculative variants to be built; deep depletion silicon devices to improve red response and devices with an electronic shutter to extend use to Rayleigh Laser Guide Star (RLGS) applications. These are all unprecedented advancements for L3CCDs. This paper will describe requirements and outline the design established after careful consideration of the application, detector architecture, compact Peltier package, technology trade-offs, schedule and proposed test plan.