[Eruption times of permanent teeth in children and adolescents in Latakia (Syria)].

The eruption times of permanent teeth and the sequence of tooth eruption were investigated in 1000 individuals aged 5 to 13 years (female: 469, male: 531). Wisdom teeth were excluded from the evaluation. All individuals were inhabitants of Latakia (Syria). The results were compared to dentition studies originating from neighbour countries and Germany, published in recent years. The teeth emerged symmetrically in each jaw. However, teeth erupted earlier in the mandible than in the maxilla, excluding the slightly earlier eruption of maxillary premolars and first molars. The sequence of emerging teeth in the maxilla of females is: first molar, central incisor, lateral incisor, first premolar, second premolar, canine, and second molar. The sequence of tooth eruption of the mandible of females differs from the maxillary sequence: first molar, central incisor, lateral incisor, first premolar, canine, second premolar, second molar. The sequence of emerging teeth in the maxilla of males is: first molar, central incisor, lateral incisor, first premolar, second premolar, canine, and second molar. The sequence of tooth eruption of the mandible of males differs from the maxillary sequence: first molar, central incisor, lateral incisor, first premolar, canine, second premolar, second molar. The results of this study show some differences compared to the dentition of children and adolescents of other countries, emphasizing the need for further dentition studies to be performed in defined regions and obtained by the same method. Concerning the demands of forensic odontology the age of Syrian children might be underestimated if German standards for age estimation are used.