Further studies on graft-induced off-season flowering and fruiting in mango (Mangifera indica L.)

SummaryDefoliated shoots of cvs Alphonso, Dashehari, Totapari etc. (receptors), could be induced to flower within four weeks during the off-season by veneer grafting them to leafy shoots of the off-season flowering cv. Royal Special (donor) during the non-flowering season. Experiments on defoliating the donor and receptor shoots revealed the crucial dual role of the leaves in flowering. In the ‘floral cycle’, leaves from the donor promoted flowering, whereas leaves on the receptors, in the vegative phase, were inhibitory, and prevented graft-induction of the receptors. Thus, for graft induction, leafy donors and defoliation of receptors were essential. The inhibitory effect of the leaves on the receptors was localized and did not affect flowering of the donor shoots’ The similarity between these findings and those in the herbaceous, day-length sensitive species strengthens the view that flower formation is controlled in the same way in herbaceous and in woody perennial species. A minimum threshold of the ...