Pembelajaran IPA di SMP N 5 Jepara belum dilaksanakan secara terpadu dan masih berpusat pada guru. Pengembangan modul IPA terpadu berbasis joyful learning dapat menjadi salah satu cara untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran IPA terpadu sehingga siswa dapat memahami konsep IPA terpadu secara utuh dan menyeluruh serta aktif dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan modul, keefektifan dan kepraktisan dari penerapan modul dalam pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode R and D (Research and Development) dengan tahapan: identifikasi potensi dan masalah, perencanaan, desain modul, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba skala kecil, revisi modul, uji coba skala besar, revisi modul, modul final. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran dan sesuai standar BSNP dengan nilai kelayakan isi 3,47, kelayakan bahasa 3,65, kelayakan penyajian 3,56 dan kelayakan kegrafikan 3,59. Kefektifan penerapan modul diperoleh dari peningkatan hasil pretes dan postes dengan N-gain sebesar 0,52 kategori sedang dan signifikansi uji t sebesar 142,63. Nilai ketuntasan belajar siswa secara klasikal juga dapat mencapai 86,15%. Kepraktisan penggunaan modul diperoleh dari observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran sebesar 84,22%, aktivitas siswa sebesar 77,35%, angket tanggapan siswa sebesar 98,47% dan angket tanggapan guru sebesar 90%. Science learning in SMP N 5 Jepara has not been implemented in an integrated manner and teacher centered. Development of an integrated science module based on joyful learning can be one way to implement an integrated science learning that students can understand the concepts of integrated science completely and student can be active in this learning. This study aims to determine the feasibility of module, the effectiveness, and practicality of the implementation of module in learning. This study uses the method of R and D (Research and Development) with stages: problem identification, planning, module design, design validation, design revisions, small-scale trials, revision modules, large-scale trials, module revisions, final module. The studied variables are the feasibility of modules by experts, learning outcomes, teacher and student responses questionnaire, learning implementation observation and student activities observation. The results show that the developed module fit for use in teaching and in accordance with the standards BSNP an average score of 3.47 contents feasibility, 3.65 languages feasibility, 3.56 presentation feasibility and 3.59 graphic feasibility. Effectiveness of application modules can be seen from the increase in pretest and posttest results with the classical N-gain medium category was 0.52 and the significance of the t test for 142.63. Student’s classical mastery learning value also can reach 86.15%. Practicality of the use module that is gained from learning implementation observation 84.22%, student activities 77.35%, students' responses questionnaire is 98.47% and teachers' responses questionnaire is 90%.