Identifying the Pattern of Localization Responses with a Haptic Seat Intended to Alert Drivers to the Direction of a Crash Threat

The potential safety benefits afforded by emerging automotive crash avoidance systems may be enhanced by implementing a driver vehicle interface (DVI) that effectively communicates the direction of a potential crash threat in a timely, effective, and integrated manner. An in-traffic study by the authors provided evidence that drivers could spatially map eight haptic seat vibration areas to the corresponding directions surrounding the vehicle with 86% localization accuracy (Fitch, Kiefer, Hankey, & Kleiner, 2007). This paper re-analyzed the data from this study to explore the extent to which there were any notable patterns in the observed localization errors. Results indicate there was some tendency for subjects to perceive side (i.e., left or right) seat pan vibration locations as originating somewhat further back than they actually occurred. Furthermore, the pattern of these errors suggest that a haptic seat communicating four directions of crash threat (e.g., front, right, back, and left) may further reduce the low level of localization errors observed with an eight direction haptic seat design.