On Pressure Gradients and Rapid Migration of Solids in a Nonuniform Solar Nebula

We study the motions of small solids, ranging from micron-sized dust grains to 100 m objects, in the vicinity of a local density enhancement of an isothermal gaseous solar nebula. Being interested in possible application of the results to the formation of planetesimals in the vicinity of clumps and spiral arms in a circumstellar disk, we numerically integrate the equations of motion of such solids and study their migrations for different values of their sizes and masses and also for different physical properties of the gas, such as its density and temperature. We show that, considering the drag force of the gas, it is possible for solids, within a certain range of size and mass, to migrate rapidly (i.e., within ~1000 yr) toward the location of a local maximum density, where collisions and coagulation may result in an accelerated rate of planetesimal formation.