Telesonar Signaling and Seaweb Underwater Wireless Networks

Abstract : Seawebs 98, 99, and 2000 are experiments incrementally advancing telesonar underwater acoustic signaling and ranging technology for undersea wireless networks. The constraints imposed by acoustic transmission through shallow-water channels have yielded channel-tolerant signaling methods, hybrid multi-user access strategies, novel network topologies, half-duplex handshake protocols, and iterative power-control techniques. Seawebs 98 and 99 respectively included 10 and 15 battery-powered, anchored telesonar nodes organized as non-centralized bi-directional networks. These tests demonstrated the feasibility of battery-powered, wide-area undersea networks linked via radio gateway buoy to the terrestrial internet. Testing involved delivery of remotely sensed data from the sea and remote control from manned command centers ashore and afloat. Seaweb 2000 introduces new telesonar modem hardware and a compact protocol for advanced network development. Sublinks 98, 99, and 2000 are parallel experiments that extend Seaweb networking to include a submerged submarine as a mobile gateway node.