Joint Analysis of Regional Scale Transport and Transformation of Air Pollution from Road and Ship Transport

The objective of the present work is to study in detail the dilution processes of the plumes and the chemical transformations of pollutants jointly generated by road and ship transport. The numerical simulations are carried out using the MODELS-3 system (SMOKE/ MM5/CMAQ) nesting abilities, downscaling to a horizontal resolution of 30 km, the innermost domain including regions with very intensive road and ship transport and different climate (photochemistry reactions intensity) The CMAQ “Process rate analysis” option is applied to discriminate the role of different dynamic and chemical processes to the pollution levels formation. A large number of numerical experiments were carried out, which makes it possible to distinguish the relative contribution of different air pollution factors Careful and detailed analysis of the obtained results was made, outlining the influence of the domain specific physiographic characteristics, road and ship emission impacts on the pollution characteristics.