Sinergi Pesantren Dan Perguruan Tinggi ( Studi Pengembangan Kurikulum Ma’had Sunan Ampel Al-Ali Malang)

Pesantren education model developed with the name and style varied, in  the development of pesantren faced with two problems: on the one hand  schools should organize themselves in accordance with the demands of  the times without having to leave the pesantren tradition itself, on the other hand how to form the product of competent scholars in the Islamic  religion in order to preserve the identity of the Islamic boarding school in  contributing in planting akhlaqul karimah. In the present study found some of the fidings including the following:  fist, planning a curriculum that begins with the formulation of curriculum  objectives, the foundation in curriculum planning and the formulation of  curriculum content; both, in the implementation of the curriculum, the discovery of the policies in developed curriculum, the ability of teachers in  implementing curriculum and the constraints encountered in developing  the curriculum, and the third, evaluation, the evaluation found the use of  summative evaluation with a closed approach. Keywords: Islamic School, University.