Connecting with social networks has become an essential part of the process of mobile and desktop application development. Lots of applications, especially the mobile applications are using different authentication methods to authenticate their users and store the user data into their database. The method of authentication using social networks has proved to be very effective in many different ways. The main benefit of using this method is time-saving and avoidance of the registration process. Users prefer to use their profiles on social networks for registration on a web-based system rather than creating a separate user account. This paper provides tips for connecting AIR mobile and desktop applications with Facebook using ActionScript Graph API. The paper is divided in two parts. The first part is about connecting mobile applications with Facebook using Facebook Mobile ActionScript API. In this part we are focused on giving clear guidance for the process of authentication using access token and it is elimination of potential barriers during the process of implementation. Also, very important to mention that this method is cross-platform oriented. That means that the mobile application will be suitable across many different devices and platforms. This also raises the need of analyzing the rendering of HTML content across mobile devices using ActionScript. The second part of the paper covers the desktop AIR applications and the connection with social networks on desktop systems which is less used method but just as effective as in mobile systems.