Multimodal Image Retrieval

In this work we extend the standard singlelayer probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) [16] to multiple layers. As multiple layers should naturally handle multiple modalities and a hierarchy of abstractions, we denote this new approach multilayer multimodal probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (mmpLSA). We derive the training and inference rules for the smallest possible non-degenerated mm-pLSA model: a model with two leaf-pLSAs and a single top-level pLSA node merging the two leaf-pLSAs. We evaluate this approach on two pairs of different modalities: SIFT features and image annotations (tags) as well as the combination of SIFT and HOG features. We also propose a fast and strictly stepwise forward procedure to initialize bottom-up the mm-pLSA model, which in turn can then be post-optimized by the general mm-pLSA learning algorithm. The proposed approach is evaluated in a query-by-example retrieval task where various variants of our mm-pLSA system are compared to systems relying on a single modality and other adhoc combinations of feature histograms. We further describe possible pitfalls of the mm-pLSA training and analyze the resulting model yielding an intuitive explanation of its behaviour.

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