건물외피의 태양열 취득계수(SHGC) 산출방법

Recently, the energy efficiency of buildings has become a big issue and the need of thermal performance analysis on transparent building envelopes has been substantially increasing since the energy consumption caused by heat gain or heat loss through transparent building envelopes is significant. The Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC) is one of the most widely used indicators for thermal performance of transparent building envelopes. The SHGC can be assessed by two methods: The first method is a spectroscopic method which is normally used to evaluate the SHGC of glazing units. This method may be suitable for glazing-only units but it is not easy to track all the spectrums that are transmitted, reflected, or absorbed by the complex fenestrations which contain shading devices because their non-coplanar shapes and irregularities in surfaces produce angular scattering effects. For this reason, NFRC is assessing the SHGC for complex fenestrations with the second method, calorimetric method. In this paper, published standards and methods on assessment of the SHGC are investigated. In addition, the characteristics of an alternative that relieve the difficulties recognized on those standards and methods are provided.