Hybrid fire testing for assessing performance of structures in fire—Methodology

Abstract A new performance-based assessment approach for structures in fire, referred to as hybrid fire testing (HFT) method, is presented in this article. The HFT was developed based on a sub-structuring method, by dividing the whole structure into two substructures, one being tested in a furnace and one being simulated by a computer. This represents a form of “hardware-in-the-loop” simulation. Using HFT, the performance of the whole building can be evaluated at a very reasonable cost, significantly less than the cost of the direct whole building test. More reliable results than the prescriptive method can also be achieved with comparable and even more comprehensive results than that of a direct full-scale test. A 6-storey reinforced concrete building was designed, as a prototype for application of the hybrid fire testing approach. Two fire scenario examples were considered; a 6-storey building with a fire compartment on the first floor, in the center of the building and a 6-storey building with a fire compartment on the third floor. The two substructures for these two HFT scenarios were; one the column in the fire compartment and two the rest of the building. This paper includes the description of the hybrid testing methodology, details of the 6-storey building prototype and the methodology verification. Using the HFT approach, various scenarios could be explored to couple modeling and testing globally. This may also provide the possibility of running one test in a testing facility, e.g. NRC's, and running the analysis remotely at a different location. This would make furnace facilities more accessible to the research communities around the globe.