Impact of Flood on Sugarcane Industry of Pakistan

Abstract During the current season 2010-11 most of the Sugar Mills of the Sindh started crushing late October-2010 and up to 31st December, 2010 Crushed 2,165,625 metric tons of sugarcane as against 2,691,769 metric tons crushed in the same period last year. The sugar produced was 167,159 metric tons as against 224,626 metric tons last year and same situation in other provinces. A major issue pertains to sugarcane crushed is more or less the same but production of sugar decreased due to reduction in the recovery percentage. During the current period recovery percentage was 7.72 as against 8.34 % last year. The main cause of reduction in the recovery rate was the excess water due to devastating flood in the country and rain. As a result excessive water was absorbed by the sugarcane crop which reduced the sugar contents in the cane and increased in the weight of the same. This result in dual loss to the mills in the shape of more payments to the growers and less recovery.