Cross Correlation Flowmeters, Their Design and Application

Flow measurement is an extremely important aspect of plant instrumentation, and has in recent years been the subject of intense research activity. Much of this work has centred on the cross correlation flowmeter, which gives impressive results in many applications for which the traditional industrial flowmeters are known to be inadequate. Successful industrial cross correlation flowmeters are now on the market, but the technique is still very much in its infancy. This book provides a comprehensive review of the theory and practice of cross correlation flowmetering, and is aimed at three potential audiences: the graduate student in engineering or science who requires an introduction to the relevant signal processing theory; the advanced research and development engineer who requires the theory and its practical implementation in considerable depth; and the industrial instrument engineer who is interested in the practical aspects of transducers and installation features for specific applications. The subject is presented in a concise form, but with sufficient supporting information to enable the reader to gain a full understanding without reference to other books.