Uma ilha de competncia: a histria do Instituto de Qumica Agrcola na memria de seus cientistas

This history of Brazil's IQA, underscores the role the institution played in the development of Brazilian science as well as the historical motives and circumstances that led to its demise. The IQA's history is linked to the stories of Walter Mors, Otto Gottlieb, and Benjamin Gilbert whose research contributed to the training of scientists in the field of natural product chemistry. Although the institute earned a reputation as an "island of competence" during the 195Os, it was affected by changes within the Ministry of Agriculture and Brazil's farm sector. The closing of this center of excellence did not mean the end of important scientific traditions that blossomed there. As part of groups and institutions that emerged in different states around Brazil, Mors, Gottlieb, and Gilbert ensured the continuity of the research steadies they had been conducting within the IQA.