Knowledge-based systems and neural networks : techniques and applications

Knowledge-Based Systems: Techniques . ARIA: Automated Revision Implication Assessment. An Efficient Inferencing for Real-Time Expert Systems. Prolog Methods for Common LISP + Flavors. Planning a Smooth Path for Autonomous Vehicles Using Primary Convex Regions. Knowledge Architecture. Knowledge-Based Systems: Applications . Development of an Expert Milling Defect Diagnosis System. Justex: An Expert System for the Justification of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. INFORMEX: An Expert System to Enhance Information Presentation. Expert Systems for Configuring Industrial Filtration Systems. Analysis of Multivariate Systems: A Challenge for Geoscientists. Neural Networks: Techniques . HOAPR: A System for the Analysis of Robust Target Identification Strategies. A Control Strategy for Classical Conditioning Simulated by Neural Networks. A Hopfield Neural Network Approach to Model-Based Machine Vision. The Geometry of Backpropagation Training: Visualization, Heuristics, and Theory. Neural Networks: Applications . Object Recognition, Dimensional Measurement, and Optical Surface Characterization for Part Inspection Practical Issues in Microcomputer Vision. Neural Network Approach to Group Technology. Application of Neural Networks to Optimize Plant Layout Problems. Recognition of Patterns in Electronic Communication Signals Using Neural Networks. Fuzzy Logic . Detecting Surface Flaws of Machine Parts. Self-Organizing Fuzzy Logic Control. Adaptive Mapping Factors for Tuning Fuzzy Controller. Index.