Integraal stikstofonderzoek; implementatie en gebruik van NitroGenius

NitroGenius is a decision support system in the form of a game to helpsolve the complex nitrogen problems in the Netherlands. It was developed for the ministry of the Environment, Housing and Spatial Planning (VROM) and tested and played at several occasions, amongst others the Second International Nitrogen Conference in the US. From these sessions several suggestions for the improvement of the game and extension of the database with all the abatement options were given. Furthermore, the need for a website with a downloadable version of NitroGenius was identified. This report describes the improvements and extension of NitroGenius and the content and of the web site ( Three new options for nitrogen reduction were investigated by performing a desk study. These options are i) NOx emissions from ships; ii) reduction of N in fuel and iii) NOx reduction by carbon sequestration.