What We Know About Army Families

Abstract : The Army Family Research Program (AFRP) was conducted by the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences in response to research requirements outlined in the Chief of Staff of the Army's 1983 White Paper, and subsequent Army Family Action Plans. This program has produced over 100 scientific and applied documents and briefings which explore aspects of the relationship between the Army and its constituent families. This report draws from over 70 scientific manuscripts, primarily from the AFRP, to answer questions often asked about Army families. The authors organize and highlight important research findings on family demography, families and retention, families and readiness, family adaptation, and community support programs. In addition, the policy, program, and leadership implications of the findings are outlined for supervisors, unit commanders, installation commanders, and Department of the Army policy makers. The report is written in a scientifically accurate but nontechnical style, so that a diverse audience of readers might find the material understandable and informative. Military dependent, Retention, Recruitment, Family.