Next generation search engines: advanced models for information retrieval

expected to continue growing, these devices are an important new technology for businesses and organisations to utilise in marketing their brand. Mobile is a powerful medium to add to more traditional forms of marketing (for example, television and radio), but the same principles and approaches should not be applied. This is why Kim Dushinski’s book is a valuable tool for understanding and approaching this new environment. The guide is divided into three sections, with the first giving some background to the mobile marketplace and its potential reach, and then discussing what businesses must consider if they embark on a mobile campaign (what is the aim, what are the legal considerations and what level of expertise is required to make it happen). The second section, entitled ‘Mobile Marketing Toolbox’, looks at the different options available to get a message across to potential customers, from the simple (SMS messaging) to the more sophisticated (mobile apps). The final section outlines the options available to launch a mobile campaign in practice, and then keep track of its success (or otherwise). It is clear throughout that Dushinski particular wants three points to resonate with readers. First, the easiest way to start engaging with mobile users is to create a separate website optimised for mobiles. Secondly, that it is always important to know the value of a campaign before developing it. And finally, that seeking permission from users is a must before engaging with them in any way (‘pull then push’, ‘opt-in and opt-out’). Along with creating a mobile web presence, the future of location-based marketing and mobile search makes for interesting reading. Readers will also appreciate the illustrations, examples, glossary of terms and additional reading that support the text. There is a companion website ( that includes a quiz and other supplementary material, but this is not yet heavily populated. There are also examples that require the use of a US mobile phone, but this element is not really detrimental to the overall quality of the content. This is required reading for anyone interested in understanding and/or taking advantage of mobile technology as a marketing tool.