Performance Evaluation of 50 nm In0.7Ga0.3As HEMTs For Beyond-CMOS Logic Applications

We have studied the suitability of nanometer-scale In0.7Ga0.3As HEMTs as a high-speed, low-power logic technology for beyond-CMOS applications. To this end, we have fabricated 50-150 nm gate length In0.7Ga0.3As HEMTs with different gate stack designs. The 50 nm HEMTs exhibit ION/IOFF ratios in excess of 10 5 and DIBL less than 90 mV/dec. Compared with state-of-the-art Si MOSFET’s, the nonoptimized 50 nm In0.7Ga0.3As HEMTs provide equivalent highspeed performance with 15 times lower DC power dissipation and at least 2.7 times higher fT at equivalent power dissipation level. In the landscape of alternatives for beyond CMOS technologies, InAs-rich InGaAs HEMTs hold considerable promise.