Glutamate, aspartate and co-localization with calbindin in the medial thalamus An immunohistochemical study in the rat

Abstract Topographical and quantitative features of medial thalamic neurons in which aspartate (ASP) or glutamate (GLU) might act as neurotransmitters were investigated in the rat. The calcium-binding protein calbindin D-28k (CB) was exploited as a marker of neuronal subsets, thus allowing us to study also the relationships between the CB-containing neurons and those immunoreactive to excitatory amino acids. Double immunocytochemistry of ASP and CB or GLU and CB was performed in 40-μm-thick sections. The three markers were distributed in the thalamic midline, mediodorsal, anterior intralaminar and ventromedial nuclei, with regional variations. ASP-immunoreactive neurons appeared more numerous than the GLU-immunoreactive ones throughout these structures; ASP-CB or GLU-CB double-immunostained neurons were evident. ASP-, GLU- and CB-immunoreactive cells were then quantitatively evaluated in 5-μm-thick consecutive sections. Interindividual variations and different anti-ASP and anti-GLU antibodies did not result in significant differences. ASP and GLU were not co-localized. Single ASP- or GLU-immunoreactive neurons accounted for 60% of the total number of immunostained cells, and single ASP-immunopositive cells represented more than half of these neurons. Among the CB-immunoreactive cells (40% of the total), half were double immunostained; the proportion of double CB-ASP-immunopositive neurons was sevenfold higher than that of the CB-GLU-immunoreactive ones. These results indicate that ASP may act as excitatory neurotransmitter in a relatively high proportion of medial thalamic neurons, in which ASP frequently coexists with CB. Approximately 50% of the CB-immunoreactive cells did not contain either ASP or GLU, suggesting that some medial thalamic neurons may utilize a different neurotransmitter.

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