Reference Stress Approximations for J and COD of Circumferential Through-Wall Cracked Pipes

Reference stress approximations for the J integral and crack tip opening displacement (COD) for circumferential through-wall cracked pipes under tension and under bending are reported. The proposed J estimation equation is fully compatible with the existing reference stress based J estimation, currently embedded in the R6 assessment procedure, but involves a slightly different definition of the reference stress, using an optimised reference load instead of the limit load. This modification enhances the accuracy of the J estimation for circumferentially cracked pipes. Confidence in the proposed equation is gained from the significantly reduced hardening dependence of the plastic influence functions in the GE/EPRI method. The proposed COD estimation equation includes two further modifications. One is the use of a power-law fit to the plastic portion of the stress strain data, instead of the use of the actual stress strain data. In this context, a robust estimation equation for the strain hardening index is given. The other modification is to the plasticity correction term in contained yielding. A lower bound COD estimation equation is also given, similar to the R6 option 1 Jestimation curve, which is suitable when only limited tensile properties are available. The resulting estimation equations are simple to use. Comparisons with experimental pipe test data show that the proposed COD estimation equations provide overall good agreement, which gives confidence in applying them to Leak-before-Break (LBB) analyses.