127 The algorithm presented in this paper converts a CSG model into a representation for in teractive display on an engineering workstation. Called Constructive Cubes, the algorithm extends the standard CSG-point classification algorithm and then employs a popular iso surface generation algorithm, Marching Cubes, to generate a list of polygons that approxi mates the surface of a CSG model. The polygons may then be interactively displayed, shaded and inspected on a workstation. The algorithm has many advantages over other CSG algorithms. It is straightforward to implement, requiring no complex surface intersec tion calculations. The algorithm provides an inherent flexibility that allows a user to bal ance the time/quality trade-off. It is designed to take advantage of current and future ad vances in both visualization and engineering workstation design.
Max K. Agoston.
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Solid modelling—survey and current research issues
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Extraction and representation of shape features for CAD/CAM applications
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Representation of solid objects by a modular boundary model
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Introduction to Solid Modeling
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A hierarchical boundary model for solid object representation
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Feature Extraction from Boundary Models of Three-Dimensional Objects
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell..