Polymerization and loading stress distribution in adhesive resin-based composite class II restorations

s s CuspCusp Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Adhesively Restored Upper Premolars Premolars P.. AUSIELLO, A.J. DE GEE. S. RENGO. C.L. DAVIDSON IADR/CEDD Septembe r 12-15 1996, Berlin. GERMANY Abstractt n. 406 MicroleakageMicroleakage in Adhesively Restored Endodontically Treated Teeth P.. CASCONE. P. AUSIELLO, A.J. DE GEE. A. FHII.ZER. C.L. DAVIDSON IADR/CEDD Septembe r 12-15 1996, Berlin, GERMANY Abstractt n. 407 MarginalMarginal Quality of Adhesive class II Amalgam Restorations after cycle loading loading P.. AUSIELLO, S. RENGO, P. SEMPRINI, D. D'ARCANGELO. C. PRATI. S. CHERSONI 3 IADR/CED Septembe r 12-15 1996, Berlin, GERMANY Abstractt n. 85 InterfaceInterface Stress Release Analysis in Adhesive Restorations by FEM P.. AUSIELLO, A. APICELLA, S. RENGO, F. QUADRINI. C.L. DAVIDSON 34 I.A.D.R./CED 1997, Septembe r 18-20' \ Madrid. SPAIN Abstractt n. 457 FEMFEM Study of Shrinkage Stress build up in Adhesive Restorations A.. APICELLA, S. RADDI, P. AUSIELLO, S. RENGO, A.J. DE GEE. C.L. DAVIDSON 34 I.A.D.R./CED 1997. Septembe r 18-20, Madrid, SPAIN Abstractt n. 435 TheThe Influence of Adhesive Technique on Fracture Resistance of Endodontically TreatedTreated Teeth P.. CASCONE. R. DE SANTIS. S. RADDI. P. AUSIELLO, L. AMBROSIO. S. RENGO, L.. NICOLAIS 34 I.A.D.R./CED 1997, Septembe r 18-20. Madrid. SPAIN Abstractt n. 255