Acid rain mitigation study. Volume I: FGD cost estimates. Technical report (final) Feb 80-Feb 82
The report gives results of work to provide a consistent set of capital investment and operating costs for flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems retrofitted to existing industrial boilers. The investigation of wet limestone scrubbers and lime spray drying FGD systems included: (1) the apparent discontinuities in both FGD system capital investment and operating costs; (2) FGD retrofit factors applied to existing boilers based on published reports; and (3) differences between PEDCo Environmental, Inc. and TVA cost estimates for utility boiler FGD systems. These costing issues were examined on the bases of design scope, costing factors (for equipment installation, indirect investment, etc.), year of costs, inherent strengths and weaknesses, and published data of actual system costs. Recommendations are made for the cost bases to use in further acid rain studies.