The growing demand for multimedia applications such as digital television, video teleconferencing, machine vision, office automation products, digital cameras and camcorders, and medical imaging has created a need for a processor capable of meeting the challenging computing requirements these applications demand. To meet the requirements for a new processor technology that avoids the inflexibility of ASICs and the expense and complexity of multiprocessor solutions, Equator Technologies has developed a very long instruction word (VLIW) processor named the MAP1000™. This media processing chip delivers high‐level language programmability with increased processor performance through on‐chip parallelism for a variety of uses, ranging from a digital TV with a standalone embedded MAP1000™ to a personal computer–based media processor accelerator. We present an analysis of the MAP1000™ processor architecture and provide several performance benchmarks using popular media‐processing applications. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol 10: 96–106, 1999
Alfred V. Aho,et al.
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Addison-Wesley series in computer science / World student series edition.
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PixelFlow: high-speed rendering using image composition
Chris Basoglu,et al.
Next-generation media processors and their impact on medical imaging
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The VLIW Machine: A Multiprocessor for Compiling Scientific Code
Robert P. Colwell,et al.
A VLIW architecture for a trace scheduling compiler
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Steven S. Muchnick,et al.
Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation