Development of a computer program to locate potential sites for pumped hydroelectric energy storage

Pumped hydroelectric energy storage (PHES) is the largest and most mature form of energy storage currently available. However, the capital costs required for PHES are extremely large and the availability of suitable sites is decreasing. Therefore, identifying the remaining sites available for PHES is becoming vital so that the most beneficial location is chosen: in terms of capacity and economics. As a result, the aim of this work is to develop a computer program that will scan a terrain and identify if there are any feasible PHES sites on it. In this paper, a brief description of the program is provided, including the limitations identified during the initial development. Also, the program was used to evaluate a 20km × 40km area in the South West of Ireland so the results obtained from this study are discussed. Finally, future improvements to advance the program's capabilities are identified. The program has proven to date that it can identify feasible locations for PHES, however, further investigation is necessary to improve the site selection.

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