Fourteen species of pyrenocarpous lichens are reported from North America. Cata- pyrenium congestum is described as new. Catapyrenium podolepis, C. psoromoides, C. umbrinum, Dermatocarpon lorenzianum, Endocarpon adsurgens, Placidiopsis cinerascens, and Verrucaria zamenhofiana are documented for North America for the first time. Catapyrenium rufescens and C. waltheri are confirmed for North America; Placidiopsis cervinula is deleted from the North American lichen checklist. Range extensions are cited for Catapyrenium andicola, C. chilense, C. norvegicum, and Placidiopsis pseudocinerea. Catapyrenium norvegicum is new to Canada. An updated key to the Catapyrenium species in North America is provided. The squamulose and crustose pyrenolichens of rock and soil were long neglected in North America. Prominent among this group is the squamulose ge- nus Catapyrenium. Although Catapyrenium is a common and diverse genus in western North Amer- ica, it has until recently been poorly understood. The species concepts applied in North America have been so broad as to include many distinct elements under a single taxon. Thomson (1987, 1989) provided the first com- prehensive treatment of Catapyrenium in North America. These papers considerably revised and re- fined our species concepts in Catapyrenium and de- scribed several new species. The present paper con- tinues that refinement of Catapyrenium and related genera by documenting new records for the conti- nent and one additional new species.
B. McCune,et al.
Lichens of Glacier National Park, Montana
W. L. Culberson,et al.
Macrolichens of East Africa
R. Egan.
Changes to the Fifth checklist of the lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of the continental United States and Canada . Edition III
J. W. Thomson.
The Lichen Genera Catapyrenium and Placidiopsis in North America
R. A. Anderson.
Additions to the lichen flora of North America. III
O. Breuss.
Die Flechtengattung Catapyrenium (Verrucariaceae) in Europa