Homogenization of a parabolic equation in perforated domain with Dirichlet boundary condition

AbstractIn this article, we study the homogenization of the family of parabolic equations over periodically perforated domains $$\begin{gathered} \partial _t b(\tfrac{x}{{d_\varepsilon }},u_\varepsilon ) - div a(u_\varepsilon , \nabla u_\varepsilon ) = f(x,t) in \Omega _\varepsilon x (0, T), \hfill \\ u_\varepsilon ) = 0 on \partial \Omega _\varepsilon x (0, T), \hfill \\ u_\varepsilon (x, 0) = u_0 (x) in \Omega _\varepsilon . \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ . Here, Ωɛ= ΩSε is a periodically perforated domain anddε is a sequence of positive numbers which goes to zero. We obtain the homogenized equation. The homogenization of the equations on a fixed domain and also the case of perforated domain with Neumann boundary condition was studied by the authors. The homogenization for a fixed domain and $$b(\frac{x}{{d_\varepsilon }},u_\varepsilon ) \equiv b(u_\varepsilon )$$ has been done by Jian. We also obtain certain corrector results to improve the weak convergence.