Alternative Design for the RISP Pre-Stripper Linac

In a collaborative effort between Argonne's Linac Development Group and the RISP project team at the Korean Institute for Basic Science, we have developed an alternative design for the pre-stripper section of the RISP driver linac. The proposed linac design takes advantage of the recent accelerator developments at Argonne, namely the ATLAS upgrades and the Fermilab PIP-II HWR Cryomodule. In particular, the state-of-the-art performance of QWRs and HWRs, the integrated steering correctors and clean BPMs for a compact cryomodule design. To simplify the design and avoid frequency transitions, we used two types of QWRs at 81.25 MHz. The QWRs were optimized for ~ 0.05 and ~ 0.11 respectively. Nine cryomodules are required to reach the stripping energy of 18.5 MeV/u. Following the lattice design optimization, end-to-end beam dynamics simulations including most important sources of machine error were performed. The results showed that the design is tolerant to errors with no beam losses observed for nominal errors.