Determination of operating room requirements using simulation

In 1997, Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) initiated a construction project to renovate its existing surgical suite to include 32 operating rooms - two less than the current number. The new suite would be used primarily for performing in-patient cases; 95% of all out-patient cases would be moved to another facility. BWH administrators, planners and clinicians wanted to be sure that the 32 rooms would be sufficient for accommodating the projected increases in in-patient surgical volume. In addition, they wanted to examine the possible effects of changes in the surgical schedule and in case times on the number of rooms required. A simulation model using MedModel simulation software was developed for examining these issues. The resultant model includes a number of assumptions that simplified the model construction, yet still resulted in a valid model that met project objectives. The model showed that the projected changes in surgical workload could be accommodated in 30 operating rooms (or fewer) if scheduled block times were extended during the weekdays and if Saturday blocks were added.