Liquid Dielectrics

DR. GEMANT's monograph will be of value to all research physicists and engineers. He discusses first the resistivity, and dielectric constants of liquids, pointing out that as a rule the higher the resistivity the smaller the dielectric constant. From the practical point of view, it seems a pity that nearly all liquid dielectrics are organic substances, as inorganic compounds are generally much the more stable. The thermal, mechanical and optical properties of liquids are discussed and also their behaviour in an intense electric field.Liquid Dielectrics.By Dr. Andreas Gemant. English translation by Vladimir Karapetoff. (National Research Council Committee on Electrical Insulation, Monograph No. 2.) Pp. ix + 185. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1933.) 18s. 6d. net.