The locomotor and postural repertoires of Ateles geoffroyi and Colobus guereza, and a reevaluation of the locomotor category semibrachiation

The locomotor repertoire of Ateles geoffroyi includes quadrupedal walking and running, climbing, brachiation and arm-swinging, bipedalism, and leaping. Its postural repertoire is characterized by below branch suspensory activities. In contrast, the locomotor repertoire of Colobus guereza consists primarily of quadrupedal galloping and bounding, and leaping. It does not brachiate or walk bipedally and rarely performs arm-swinging. The Colobus guereza postural repertoire is characterized by above branch sitting postures. Ateles geoffroyi is a highly mobile primate, whereas Colobus guereza is essentially sedentary. In the past, there has been a tendency to group Ateles and Colobus in a single locomotor category, semibrachiation. Comparison of the very different repertoires of these two species points out some of the shortcomings of the category semibrachiation. First, no locomotor pattern or group of patterns has been described as semibrachiation (i.e., no animals semibrachiate). Secondly, the locomotor diversity of animals included in the category is so much greater than the similarities that the category obscures more than it conveys. The usefulness of retaining this category is therefore questioned.

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