How to perform an episiotomy.

RATIONALE AND KEY POINTS: An episiotomy may be necessary to assist some women to give birth. An episiotomy is a surgical incision intentionally made to increase the diameter of the vulval outlet to enable childbirth. ▶ Midwives and doctors should use their clinical judgement and skills to assess when to perform an episiotomy. ▶ An episiotomy should not be performed routinely; its use should be restricted to certain indications. ▶ Adequate pain relief should be provided before performing an episiotomy. REFLECTIVE ACTIVITY: Clinical skills articles can help update your practice and ensure it remains evidence based. Apply this article to your practice. Reflect on and write a short account of: 1. How you think this article will change your practice. 2. The risk factors that can predispose a woman to having an episiotomy. 3. What you would do if a woman refused to have an episiotomy despite the presence of a clinical indication, such as fetal distress. Subscribers can upload their reflective accounts at: