Evaluation of large scale building energy efficiency retrofit program in Kuwait

In this paper, an overview of the Kuwaiti energy sector characteristics is presented to include its generating capacity as well as its end-use consumption over the last two decades. Moreover, a detailed analysis of the total and end-use energy consumption attributed to various building types is provided. The paper presents the specific regulations of the building energy conservation code of practice using its original version of 1983 and its revised version of 2010. The code enforcement mechanism is also outlined. Based on a detailed review of the reported literature, the potential energy savings opportunities and their cost-effectiveness for Kuwaiti buildings are discussed. Using a comprehensive review for reported analyses, the paper summarizes the economical and environmental benefits of improving energy efficiency for both new and retrofitted buildings in Kuwait. It is found that the 2010 revised version of the energy conservation code of practice can provide an additional 23% savings compared to the original version of the code developed and implemented in 1983. The implementation of an energy efficiency program to achieve the energy savings level set by 2010 energy conservation code of practice can achieve.