Market Basket Analysis in the Library Circulated data using Apriori Algorithm

Librarian is a person located in the Library Building carrying out the task like acquiring, organizing, preserving the books to help the readers to locate the information needed by them. The New role of librarian is shifted by accessing information through World Wide Web, digital libraries and virtual libraries as interface designer, knowledge manager and en-user trainer. Market Basket Analysis algorithm have recently seen widespread use in analyzing consumer purchasing patterns – specifically, in detecting products that are frequently purchased together. We apply the Apriori market basket analysis tool to the task of detecting subject classification categories that co-occur in transaction records of books borrowed from the college library. This information can be useful in directing users/librarian to additional portions of the collection that may contain documents relevant to their information need, and in determining a library's physical layout. The results can also provide insight into the degree of “Scatter” that the classification scheme induces in a particular collection of documents.