Measuring atmospheric composition change

Stefan Reimann | Didier Tanré | Johannes Orphal | Detlef Müller | Michael Schulz | Ian Barnes | Ilan Koren | Fabio Madonna | Alfred Wiedensohler | Lucia Mona | Gelsomina Pappalardo | David Fowler | Vincent-Henri Peuch | Cathy Clerbaux | Paul S. Monks | Stefan Kinne | Jean-Luc Attié | Claire Granier | Sandro Fuzzi | Jean-Pierre Cammas | Gordon McFiggans | James Allan | Urs Baltensperger | Geoffrey S. Tyndall | Markus Hermann | Yinon Rudich | M. Van Roozendael | Paolo Laj | M. De Mazière | Pierre Coheur | Andreas Richter | Wolfram Birmili | J. Dommen | Frank Stratmann | James Allan | S. Reimann | C. Clerbaux | P. Coheur | J. Attie | D. Tanré | L. Mona | J. Orphal | A. Richter | M. Glasius | M. Mazière | Y. Rudich | G. Pappalardo | C. Granier | M. Schulz | D. Müller | G. Tyndall | I. Isaksen | P. Monks | S. Kinne | F. Madonna | B. Wehner | T. Müller | H. Dorn | G. Mcfiggans | P. Laj | D. Simpson | S. Fuzzi | M. Maione | U. Baltensperger | I. Barnes | M. Hermann | A. Zardini | F. Stratmann | S. Morin | W. Birmili | V. Peuch | I. Koren | M. Bilde | J. Dommen | H. Wex | J. Hjorth | J. Cammas | Ivar S. A. Isaksen | S. Morin | Jens Hjorth | Michela Maione | Thomas J. Müller | Birgit Wehner | Merete Bilde | David Simpson | A. A. Riziq | Heike Wex | A. Abo Riziq | A. A. Zardini | Marianne Glasius | H.-P. Dorn | A. Massling | P. Villani | J. Klausen | C. Plaß-Duelmer | Kathrin Torseth | O. Moehler | C. Plass-Duelmer | K. Torseth | P. Villani | D. Fowler | O. Moehler | J. Klausen | A. Wiedensohler | M. Roozendael | A. Massling | J. Attié

[1]  W. Landman Climate change 2007: the physical science basis , 2010 .

[2]  H. Dorn,et al.  Technical Note: Formal blind intercomparison of OH measurements: results from the international campaign HOxComp , 2009 .

[3]  J. Neirynck,et al.  Atmospheric composition change: Ecosystems–Atmosphere interactions , 2009 .

[4]  M. T. Coffey,et al.  Semiautonomous FTS Observation System for Remote Sensing of Stratospheric and Tropospheric Gases , 2009 .

[5]  Lieven Clarisse,et al.  IASI measurements of reactive trace species in biomass burning plumes , 2009 .

[6]  John H. Seinfeld,et al.  The formation, properties and impact of secondary organic aerosol: current and emerging issues , 2009 .

[7]  Lieven Clarisse,et al.  Global ammonia distribution derived from infrared satellite observations , 2009 .

[8]  Chih-Chung Chang,et al.  Amplified Trace Gas Removal in the Troposphere , 2009, Science.

[9]  F. Hase,et al.  Reviewing the development of a ground-based FTIR water vapour profile analysis , 2009 .

[10]  Y. Rudich,et al.  Complex refractive indices of aerosols retrieved by continuous wave-cavity ring down aerosol spectrometer. , 2009, Analytical chemistry.

[11]  G. Mcfiggans,et al.  Inversion of tandem differential mobility analyser (TDMA) measurements , 2009 .

[12]  F. Hendrick,et al.  First satellite detection of volcanic bromine monoxide emission after the Kasatochi eruption , 2009 .

[13]  B. Weinzierl,et al.  Spatial distribution and optical properties of Saharan dust observed by airborne high spectral resolution lidar during SAMUM 2006 , 2009 .

[14]  V. Freudenthaler,et al.  Depolarization ratio profiling at several wavelengths in pure Saharan dust during SAMUM 2006 , 2009 .

[15]  Sönke Szidat,et al.  Determination of primary and secondary sources of organic acids and carbonaceous aerosols using stable carbon isotopes , 2009 .

[16]  Martin Mohr,et al.  Mobile measurements of aerosol number and volume size distributions in an Alpine valley: Influence of traffic versus wood burning , 2009 .

[17]  Lieven Clarisse,et al.  Tracking and quantifying volcanic SO 2 with IASI, the September 2007 eruption at Jebel at Tair , 2008 .

[18]  Hung N. Nguyen,et al.  Chemical composition and morphology of individual aerosol particles from a CARIBIC flight at 10 km altitude between 50°N and 30°S , 2008 .

[19]  A. Stohl,et al.  Injection in the lower stratosphere of biomass fire emissions followed by long-range transport: a MOZAIC case study , 2008 .

[20]  P. Hoppe,et al.  Sulfur isotope analyses of individual aerosol particles in the urban aerosol at a central European site (Mainz, Germany) , 2008 .

[21]  D. Papkovsky,et al.  Advanced environmental monitoring , 2008 .

[22]  Justus Notholt,et al.  Evaluation of tropospheric and stratospheric ozone trends over Western Europe from ground-based FTIR network observations , 2008 .

[23]  R. Jaenicke,et al.  The fast Ice Nucleus chamber FINCH , 2008 .

[24]  K. Sellegri,et al.  Role of the volatile fraction of submicron marine aerosol on its hygroscopic properties , 2008 .

[25]  S. Carn,et al.  Measurements of SO2 profiles in volcanic plumes from the NASA Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) , 2008 .

[26]  M. Frey,et al.  Tracing the Origin and Fate of NOx in the Arctic Atmosphere Using Stable Isotopes in Nitrate , 2008, Science.

[27]  Z. Ristovski,et al.  Intercomparison study of six HTDMAs: results and general recommendations for HTDMA operation , 2008 .

[28]  Eric S. Maddy,et al.  AIRS views transport from 12 to 22 July 2004 Alaskan/Canadian fires: Correlation of AIRS CO and MODIS AOD with forward trajectories and comparison of AIRS CO retrievals with DC‐8 in situ measurements during INTEX‐A/ICARTT , 2008 .

[29]  Albert Ansmann,et al.  Ten years of multiwavelength Raman lidar observations of free-tropospheric aerosol layers over central Europe : Geometrical properties and annual cycle , 2008 .

[30]  M. Schnaiter,et al.  Heterogeneous ice nucleation activity of bacteria: new laboratory experiments at simulated cloud conditions , 2008 .

[31]  J. Burrows,et al.  Intercomparison of oxygenated volatile organic compound measurements at the SAPHIR atmosphere simulation chamber , 2008 .

[32]  T. Leisner,et al.  Deliquescence behaviour of single levitated ternary salt/carboxylic acid/water microdroplets. , 2008, Faraday discussions.

[33]  Tsz Yan Ling,et al.  Understanding hygroscopic growth and phase transformation of aerosols using single particle Raman spectroscopy in an electrodynamic balance. , 2008, Faraday discussions.

[34]  Y. Rudich,et al.  The complex refractive index of atmospheric and model humic-like substances (HULIS) retrieved by a cavity ring down aerosol spectrometer (CRD-AS). , 2008, Faraday discussions.

[35]  M. Thiemens,et al.  Uncertainties in the oxygen isotopic composition of barium sulfate induced by coprecipitation of nitrate. , 2008, Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM.

[36]  M. Lawrence,et al.  Sensitivity of satellite observations for freshly produced lightning NO x , 2008 .

[37]  M. Facchini,et al.  High frequency new particle formation in the Himalayas , 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[38]  Laura Mitchem,et al.  Comparative thermodynamic studies of aqueous glutaric acid, ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride aerosol at high humidity. , 2008, The journal of physical chemistry. A.

[39]  J. Haywood,et al.  Prediction of visibility and aerosol within the operational Met Office Unified Model. II: Validation of model performance using observational data , 2008 .

[40]  David D. Turner,et al.  A Focus on Mixed-Phase Clouds: The Status of Ground-Based Observational Methods , 2008 .

[41]  A. Ravishankara,et al.  A laboratory investigation of the relative humidity dependence of light extinction by organic compounds from lignin combustion , 2008 .

[42]  Kevin W. Bowman,et al.  Estimating the summertime tropospheric ozone distribution over North America through assimilation of observations from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer , 2008 .

[43]  James B. Burkholder,et al.  Bias in Filter-Based Aerosol Light Absorption Measurements Due to Organic Aerosol Loading: Evidence from Laboratory Measurements , 2008 .

[44]  A. Ravishankara,et al.  The CH3CO quantum yield in the 248 nm photolysis of acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and biacetyl , 2008 .

[45]  T. Onasch,et al.  Collection Efficiencies in an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer as a Function of Particle Phase for Laboratory Generated Aerosols , 2008 .

[46]  T. Peter,et al.  A combined particle trap/HTDMA hygroscopicity study of mixed inorganic/organic aerosol particles , 2008 .

[47]  T. Blumenstock,et al.  Comparison of ground-based Brewer and FTIR total O 3 monitoring techniques , 2008 .

[48]  J. Seinfeld,et al.  Comprehensive airborne characterization of aerosol from a major bovine source , 2008 .

[49]  Benjamin J. Murray,et al.  Inhibition of ice crystallisation in highly viscous aqueous organic acid droplets , 2008 .

[50]  J. Keskinen,et al.  Mode resolved density of atmospheric aerosol particles , 2008 .

[51]  David P. Edwards,et al.  CO emission and export from Asia: an analysis combining complementary satellite measurements (MOPITT, SCIAMACHY and ACE-FTS) with global modeling , 2008 .

[52]  Claudia Marcolli,et al.  Do atmospheric aerosols form glasses , 2008 .

[53]  Christopher D. Barnet,et al.  Characterization and validation of methane products from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) , 2008 .

[54]  Johannes Orphal,et al.  Tropospheric ozone distributions over Europe during the heat wave in July 2007 observed from infrared nadir spectra recorded by IASI , 2008 .

[55]  Detlef Müller,et al.  Theory of inversion with two-dimensional regularization: profiles of microphysical particle properties derived from multiwavelength lidar measurements. , 2008, Applied optics.

[56]  A. Ravishankara,et al.  Overtone dissociation of peroxynitric acid (HO2NO2): absorption cross sections and photolysis products. , 2008, The journal of physical chemistry. A.

[57]  R. L. Curier,et al.  The 2005 and 2006 DANDELIONS NO2 and aerosol intercomparison campaigns , 2008 .

[58]  A. S. Shannigrahi,et al.  Fossil and non-fossil sources of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in Göteborg, Sweden , 2008 .

[59]  H. Bovensmann,et al.  Ship emitted NO 2 in the Indian Ocean: comparison of model results with satellite data , 2008 .

[60]  John H Seinfeld,et al.  Organosulfate formation in biogenic secondary organic aerosol. , 2008, The journal of physical chemistry. A.

[61]  Christopher D. Barnet,et al.  Evaluation of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder ozone profiles and total ozone retrievals with matched ozonesonde measurements, ECMWF ozone data, and Ozone Monitoring Instrument retrievals , 2008 .

[62]  K. Bowman,et al.  Validation of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) measurements of the total, stratospheric, and tropospheric column abundance of ozone , 2008 .

[63]  U. Baltensperger,et al.  Black carbon enrichment in atmospheric ice particle residuals observed in lower tropospheric mixed phase clouds , 2008 .

[64]  Lorraine A. Remer,et al.  Smoke Invigoration Versus Inhibition of Clouds over the Amazon , 2008, Science.

[65]  D. Cocker,et al.  Light intensity and light source influence on secondary organic aerosol formation for the m-xylene/NO(x) photooxidation system. , 2008, Environmental science & technology.

[66]  Wenche Aas,et al.  Trends of nitrogen in air and precipitation: model results and observations at EMEP sites in Europe, 1980--2003. , 2008, Environmental pollution.

[67]  Peter Bergamaschi,et al.  Tropical methane emissions: A revised view from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT , 2008 .

[68]  E. O'connor,et al.  Advances in Continuously Profiling the Thermodynamic State of the Boundary Layer: Integration of Measurements and Methods , 2008 .

[69]  A. Hollingsworth,et al.  Toward a Monitoring and Forecasting System For Atmospheric Composition: The GEMS Project , 2008 .

[70]  Tsz Yan Ling,et al.  Partial crystallization and deliquescence of particles containing ammonium sulfate and dicarboxylic acids , 2008 .

[71]  I. Riipinen,et al.  Applicability of condensation particle counters to measure atmospheric clusters , 2008 .

[72]  Louisa Emmons,et al.  © Author(s) 2008. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Fast airborne aerosol size and chemistry measurements above , 2008 .

[73]  P. Laj,et al.  Design and Validation of a Volatility Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (VH-TDMA) to Characterize the Relationships Between the Thermal and Hygroscopic Properties of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles , 2008 .

[74]  D. Blake,et al.  Airborne measurement of OH reactivity during INTEX-B , 2008 .

[75]  Kerstin Stebel,et al.  Estimation of the vertical profile of sulfur dioxide injection into the atmosphere by a volcanic eruption using satellite column measurements and inverse transport modeling , 2008 .

[76]  P. Bernath,et al.  Technical Note: New ground-based FTIR measurements at Ile de la Réunion: Observations, error analysis, and comparisons with independent data , 2008 .

[77]  M. Facchini,et al.  NMR determination of total carbonyls and carboxyls: a tool for tracing the evolution of atmospheric oxidized organic aerosols. , 2008, Environmental science & technology.

[78]  K. Carslaw,et al.  Globally significant oceanic source of organic carbon aerosol , 2008 .

[79]  Eiko Nemitz,et al.  An Eddy-Covariance System for the Measurement of Surface/Atmosphere Exchange Fluxes of Submicron Aerosol Chemical Species—First Application Above an Urban Area , 2008 .

[80]  M. Bogan,et al.  Reagentless detection of Mycobacteria tuberculosis H37Ra in respiratory effluents in minutes. , 2008, Analytical chemistry.

[81]  J. Ortega,et al.  Approaches for quantifying reactive and low-volatility biogenic organic compound emissions by vegetation enclosure techniques - part B: applications. , 2008, Chemosphere.

[82]  P. Monks,et al.  Gas phase precursors to anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol: detailed observations of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene photooxidation , 2008 .

[83]  U. Tsunogai,et al.  Determination of the 15N/14N, 17O/16O, and 18O/16O ratios of nitrous oxide by using continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. , 2008, Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM.

[84]  A. Nenes,et al.  Relating CCN activity, volatility, and droplet growth kinetics of β-caryophyllene secondary organic aerosol , 2008 .

[85]  A. Bertram,et al.  Inhibition of solute crystallisation in aqueous H(+)-NH(4)(+)-SO4(2-)-H2O droplets. , 2008, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

[86]  John P. Burrows,et al.  Satellite measurement based estimates of decadal changes in European nitrogen oxides emissions , 2008 .

[87]  Qi Zhang,et al.  O/C and OM/OC ratios of primary, secondary, and ambient organic aerosols with high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometry. , 2008, Environmental science & technology.

[88]  Reinhard Beer,et al.  First satellite observations of lower tropospheric ammonia and methanol , 2008 .

[89]  Reinhard Beer,et al.  Satellite measurements of the clear-sky greenhouse effect from tropospheric ozone , 2008 .

[90]  K. Sassen,et al.  Global distribution of cirrus clouds from CloudSat/Cloud‐Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) measurements , 2008 .

[91]  J. Pelon,et al.  Upper tropospheric humidity and cirrus geometrical and optical thickness: Relationships inferred from 1 year of collocated AIRS and CALIPSO data , 2008 .

[92]  O. Cooper,et al.  Characterization of the composition, structure, and seasonal variation of the mixing layer above the extratropical tropopause as revealed by MOZAIC measurements , 2008 .

[93]  David M. Winker,et al.  CALIPSO lidar observations of the optical properties of Saharan dust: A case study of long‐range transport , 2008 .

[94]  P. Hoppe,et al.  Sulfur isotope ratio measurements of individual sulfate particles by NanoSIMS , 2008 .

[95]  H. Smit,et al.  Air pollution during the 2003 European heat wave as seen by MOZAIC airliners. , 2008 .

[96]  Volker Ebert,et al.  The effect of organic coating on the heterogeneous ice nucleation efficiency of mineral dust aerosols , 2008 .

[97]  J. Alex Huffman,et al.  Development and Characterization of a Fast-Stepping/Scanning Thermodenuder for Chemically-Resolved Aerosol Volatility Measurements , 2008 .

[98]  Richard H. Moore,et al.  HTDMA analysis of multicomponent dicarboxylic acid aerosols with comparison to UNIFAC and ZSR , 2008 .

[99]  K. Boersma,et al.  Trends, seasonal variability and dominant NOx source derived from a ten year record of NO2 measured from space , 2008 .

[100]  K. Demerjian,et al.  Fast time response measurements of gaseous nitrous acid using a tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer: HONO emission source from vehicle exhausts , 2008 .

[101]  J. Lamarque,et al.  Carbon monoxide pollution from cities and urban areas observed by the Terra/MOPITT mission , 2008 .

[102]  J. Notholt,et al.  First ground‐based FTIR observations of the seasonal variation of carbon monoxide in the tropics , 2008 .

[103]  R. Weiss,et al.  Medusa: a sample preconcentration and GC/MS detector system for in situ measurements of atmospheric trace halocarbons, hydrocarbons, and sulfur compounds. , 2008, Analytical chemistry.

[104]  Yugo Kanaya,et al.  First retrieval of tropospheric aerosol profiles using MAX-DOAS and comparison with lidar and sky radiometer measurements , 2008 .

[105]  Yugo Kanaya,et al.  Technical Note: Determination of formaldehyde mixing ratios in air with PTR-MS: laboratory experiments and field measurements , 2008 .

[106]  Gerhard Ehret,et al.  Airborne high spectral resolution lidar for measuring aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients. , 2008, Applied optics.

[107]  Yoram J. Kaufman,et al.  Retrieving global aerosol sources from satellites using inverse modeling , 2008 .

[108]  M. Schneider,et al.  Technical Note: Recipe for monitoring of total ozone with a precision of around 1 DU applying mid-infrared solar absorption spectra , 2008 .

[109]  U. Baltensperger,et al.  Hygroscopic properties of submicrometer atmospheric aerosol particles measured with H-TDMA instruments in various environments—a review , 2008 .

[110]  U. Lohmann,et al.  The Zurich Ice Nucleation Chamber (ZINC)-A New Instrument to Investigate Atmospheric Ice Formation , 2008 .

[111]  Soon-Chang Yoon,et al.  Global Surface-Based Sun Photometer Network for Long-Term Observations of Column Aerosol Optical Properties: Intercomparison of Aerosol Optical Depth , 2008 .

[112]  M. Kahnert Variational data analysis of aerosol species in a regional CTM: background error covariance constraint and aerosol optical observation operators , 2008 .

[113]  Michaela Saisana,et al.  Multi-objective optimization of air quality monitoring , 2007, Environmental monitoring and assessment.


[115]  T. Blumenstock,et al.  Quality assessment of O3 profiles measured by a state-of-the-art ground-based FTIR observing system [Discussion paper] , 2008 .

[116]  A. Ansmann,et al.  Raman Lidar for Monitoring of Aerosol Pollution in the Free Troposphere , 2008 .

[117]  P. Hartogh,et al.  MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmosphere Sounding): Potential of the experiment, data processing and validation of results , 2008 .

[118]  C. Spirig,et al.  Cut-induced VOC emissions from agricultural grasslands. , 2008, Plant biology.

[119]  J. Ortega,et al.  Approaches for quantifying reactive and low-volatility biogenic organic compound emissions by vegetation enclosure techniques - part A. , 2008, Chemosphere.

[120]  A. J. Simmons,et al.  Aerosol analysis and forecast in the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System : Data assimilation , 2008 .

[121]  Christoph Hueglin,et al.  Source attribution of submicron organic aerosols during wintertime inversions by advanced factor analysis of aerosol mass spectra. , 2008, Environmental science & technology.

[122]  Lieven Clarisse,et al.  Monitoring of atmospheric composition using the thermal infrared IASI/METOP sounder , 2009 .

[123]  P. V. Velthoven,et al.  Influence of clouds on aerosol particle number concentrations in the upper troposphere , 2009 .

[124]  Gary A. Morris,et al.  A Trajectory-based Estimate of the Tropospheric Ozone Column Using the Residual Method , 2007 .

[125]  Arlin J. Krueger,et al.  Retrieval of large volcanic SO2 columns from the Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument: Comparison and limitations , 2007 .

[126]  J. Lelieveld,et al.  The Comparative Reactivity Method ? a new tool to measure total OH Reactivity in ambient air , 2007 .

[127]  Yinon Rudich,et al.  Extinction efficiencies of coated absorbing aerosols measured by cavity ring down aerosol spectrometry , 2007 .

[128]  Martin Gallagher,et al.  Aerosol partitioning between the interstitial and the condensed phase in mixed‐phase clouds , 2007 .

[129]  F. Meinhardt,et al.  Lead-210 observations within CARBOSOL: A diagnostic tool for assessing the spatiotemporal variability of related chemical aerosol species? , 2007 .

[130]  Alexandre Caseiro,et al.  Climatology of aerosol composition (organic versus inorganic) at nonurban sites on a west-east transect across Europe , 2007 .

[131]  Kaarle Kupiainen,et al.  Modeling carbonaceous aerosol over Europe: Analysis of the CARBOSOL and EMEP EC/OC campaigns , 2007 .

[132]  Michel Legrand,et al.  Summary of the CARBOSOL project: Present and retrospective state of organic versus inorganic aerosol over Europe , 2007 .

[133]  Alexandre Caseiro,et al.  Source apportionment of PM2.5 organic aerosol over Europe: Primary/secondary, natural/anthropogenic, and fossil/biogenic origin , 2007 .

[134]  D. Hauglustaine,et al.  The influence of biogenic emissions on upper-tropospheric methanol as revealed from space , 2007 .

[135]  Possibilities of warm cloud microstructure profiling with multiple-field-of-view Raman lidar. , 2007, Applied optics.

[136]  B. Buchmann,et al.  Representativeness and climatology of carbon monoxide and ozone at the global GAW station Mt. Kenya in equatorial Africa , 2007 .

[137]  E. Nisbet Earth monitoring: Cinderella science , 2007, Nature.

[138]  Martin Gysel,et al.  Cloud forming potential of secondary organic aerosol under near atmospheric conditions , 2008 .

[139]  S. Reimann,et al.  Oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) at an urban background site in Zürich (Europe) : Seasonal variation and source allocation , 2007 .

[140]  A. Duarte,et al.  Comparison of structural features of water-soluble organic matter from atmospheric aerosols with those of aquatic humic substances , 2007 .

[141]  S. Martin,et al.  Cloud condensation nucleus activity of secondary organic aerosol particles mixed with sulfate , 2007 .

[142]  I. Riipinen,et al.  Adipic and malonic acid aqueous solutions: surface tensions and saturation vapor pressures. , 2007, The journal of physical chemistry. A.

[143]  J. D. de Gouw,et al.  Vertical profiles in NO3 and N2O5 measured from an aircraft: Results from the NOAA P‐3 and surface platforms during the New England Air Quality Study 2004 , 2007 .

[144]  T. Clarmann,et al.  MIPAS measurements of upper tropospheric C2H6 and O3 during the southern hemispheric biomass burning season in 2003 , 2007 .

[145]  D. Toohey,et al.  under a Creative Commons License. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Introducing the concept of Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM) , 2007 .

[146]  J. Rudolph Gas Chromatography–Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry , 2007 .

[147]  A. Wisthaler,et al.  Technical Note: Intercomparison of formaldehyde measurements at the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR , 2007 .

[148]  Martin Gallagher,et al.  Calibration of the Cloud Particle Imager Probes Using Calibration Beads and Ice Crystal Analogs: The Depth of Field , 2007 .

[149]  H. Tanimoto,et al.  Direct assessment of international consistency of standards for ground-level ozone: strategy and implementation toward metrological traceability network in Asia. , 2007, Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM.

[150]  Alfred J Prata,et al.  Retrieval of volcanic SO2 column abundance from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder data , 2007 .

[151]  Hervé Herbin,et al.  ACE-FTS observation of a young biomass burning plume: first reported measurements of C 2 H 4 , C 3 H 6 O, H 2 CO and PAN by infrared occultation from space , 2007 .

[152]  A. Ravishankara,et al.  Parameterization for the relative humidity dependence of light extinction: Organic-ammonium sulfate aerosol , 2007 .

[153]  I. Riipinen,et al.  Toward Direct Measurement of Atmospheric Nucleation , 2007, Science.

[154]  T. Peter,et al.  Efficiency of immersion mode ice nucleation on surrogates of mineral dust , 2007 .

[155]  Yinon Rudich,et al.  Retrieval of Aerosol Complex Refractive Index by Combining Cavity Ring Down Aerosol Spectrometer Measurements with Full Size Distribution Information , 2007 .

[156]  P. DeCarlo,et al.  Elemental analysis of organic species with electron ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry. , 2007, Analytical chemistry.

[157]  J. Reid,et al.  Probing the evaporation of ternary ethanol-methanol-water droplets by cavity enhanced Raman scattering. , 2007, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

[158]  D. Winker,et al.  Initial performance assessment of CALIOP , 2007 .

[159]  R. Betts,et al.  Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in Radiative Forcing. Chapter 2 , 2007 .

[160]  Michael J. Garay,et al.  Satellite-derived aerosol optical depth over dark water from MISR and MODIS : Comparisons with AERONET and implications for climatological studies , 2007 .

[161]  Paul J. Crutzen,et al.  Civil Aircraft for the regular investigation of the atmosphere based on an instrumented container: The new CARIBIC system , 2007 .

[162]  T. Hoffmann,et al.  Unambiguous identification of esters as oligomers in secondary organic aerosol formed from cyclohexene and cyclohexene/α-pinene ozonolysis , 2007 .

[163]  P. Bernath,et al.  Chemical Isolation in the Asian monsoon anticyclone observed in Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE-FTS) data , 2007 .

[164]  T. Clarmann,et al.  Retrieval of global upper tropospheric and stratospheric formaldehyde (H 2 CO) distributions from high-resolution MIPAS-Envisat spectra , 2007 .

[165]  F. Hendrick,et al.  Retrieval of stratospheric and tropospheric BrO columns from multi-axis DOAS measurements at Reunion Island (21 S, 56 E) , 2007 .

[166]  Y. Elshorbany,et al.  Detection of nitric acid (HNO3) in the atmosphere using the LOPAP technique , 2007 .

[167]  Allen L Robinson,et al.  Organic aerosol formation from photochemical oxidation of diesel exhaust in a smog chamber. , 2007, Environmental science & technology.

[168]  Albert Ansmann,et al.  Particle backscatter and extinction profiling with the spaceborne high-spectral-resolution Doppler lidar ALADIN: methodology and simulations. , 2007, Applied optics.

[169]  Conny Müller,et al.  Evidence for the existence of organosulfates from beta-pinene ozonolysis in ambient secondary organic aerosol. , 2007, Environmental science & technology.

[170]  J. Burrows,et al.  Observations of iodine monoxide columns from satellite , 2007 .

[171]  P. Bernath,et al.  Detection of elevated tropospheric hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mixing ratios in atmospheric chemistry experiment (ACE) subtropical infrared solar occultation spectra , 2007 .

[172]  Deliquescence and hygroscopic growth of succinic acid particles measured with LACIS , 2007 .

[173]  N. Livesey,et al.  Connecting surface emissions, convective uplifting, and long‐range transport of carbon monoxide in the upper troposphere: New observations from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder , 2007 .

[174]  P. Laj,et al.  Design and Validation of a 6-Volatility Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (VTDMA) , 2007 .

[175]  A. Ansmann,et al.  Aerosol-type-dependent lidar ratios observed with Raman lidar , 2007 .

[176]  Lars Kaleschke,et al.  Halogens and their role in polar boundary-layer ozone depletion , 2007 .

[177]  David D. Turner,et al.  Improved ground‐based liquid water path retrievals using a combined infrared and microwave approach , 2007 .

[178]  P. Amato,et al.  A fate for organic acids, formaldehyde and methanol in cloud water: their biotransformation by micro-organisms , 2007 .

[179]  P. Bernath,et al.  Satellite boreal measurements over Alaska and Canada during June–July 2004: Simultaneous measurements of upper tropospheric CO, C2H6, HCN, CH3Cl, CH4, C2H2, CH3OH, HCOOH, OCS, and SF6 mixing ratios , 2007 .

[180]  J. Orlando The atmospheric oxidation of diethyl ether: chemistry of the C2H5-O-CH(O.)CH3 radical between 218 and 335 K. , 2007, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

[181]  R. A. Cox,et al.  Temperature dependence of pentyl nitrate formation from the reaction of pentyl peroxy radicals with NO. , 2007, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

[182]  J. Schneider,et al.  Counterflow Virtual Impactor Based Collection of Small Ice Particles in Mixed-Phase Clouds for the Physico-Chemical Characterization of Tropospheric Ice Nuclei: Sampler Description and First Case Study , 2007 .

[183]  D. R. Worsnop,et al.  Demonstration of a VUV Lamp Photoionization Source for Improved Organic Speciation in an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer , 2007 .

[184]  J. Jimenez,et al.  Technical Note: Description and Use of the New Jump Mass Spectrum Mode of Operation for the Aerodyne Quadrupole Aerosol Mass Spectrometers (Q-AMS) , 2007 .

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